Advertising is essential when you own a small business. If you own a business and want to have an inexpensive way to advertise the services your business offers to potential customers passing by the business, consider having window decals created to hang on the windows for everyone to see. Use the guide that follows to learn how to have the perfect decals created for your business.
Consider the Words
The first thing you need to consider is what you want the decals to say. You need to be sure that the words easily express exactly what services your business offers so that customers do not have to guess what your business is all about. For example, if you own a beauty salon, having decals created that say the words nails, waxing, perms, color, and haircuts are all great decals to have made and placed on the windows of your business. For a fast-cash lending company, the words fast cash, instant approval, and low fees are ideal because they let customers know exactly what the business has to offer to them.
Consider the Font
When choosing the decals that you will have created for your business, choose the font that will be used carefully. The font needs to be very easy to read. Avoid cursive fonts because they can sometimes be difficult to decipher in larger print.
Consider the Colors
Next, you need to consider what colors you want to use for the decals. Choose colors that are eye-catching so that you can grab the attention of people passing by the business. Black, white, green, blue, and even red can be great colors to consider for your window decals.
Consider the Size
Finally, you need to consider the size you want the decals to be. Take the time to measure the windows of your business to determine how much space you have available for the decals. You do not want the decals to be so large that they take up all of the window space, but you do want to be sure that they are large enough to be seen as people pass by the building.
Once you have taken all of these things into consideration, you will be ready to order your decals from a local printing company. When they arrive, clean the sides of the windows that are inside of your business with rubbing alcohol. The rubbing alcohol will remove any dirt or residue from the glass so that the decals can stick well to the surface when you apply them.