How Formal or Informal Should Your Congratulation Card Be for a Delta Sigma Theta Member?

When someone is accepted into Delta Sigma Theta, it's a wonderful occasion. It also means that you might want to give that person themed cards for the next few years as a way to show continuing support and spirit. How formal or informal the design of the card is can be difficult to determine if you're not a very close friend or close family member, but there are ways to decide which design to send.

How Official Is the Occasion?

The occasion for which you're sending the card might help influence which card you choose. An official, important event like a graduation ceremony might call for a very stylish and classy card, perhaps tying in the history of the sorority so that the member gets a very nice memento of her time being a part of this historic society. A less official but still important event, like a birthday, could be a good time to send a card with a more informal yet fun design.

How Close Are You to the Sorority Member?

If you're not that close and have a rather sizable age difference between you and the recipient (for example, you're her much older cousin), an understated card featuring inspirational sayings or the sorority's crest would be appropriate. The closer you are to the recipient, the more informal that card can be; for example, good friends can send more humorous cards that focus on drawings of people.

Do They Prefer Certain Symbols and Colors?

Delta Sigma Theta uses crimson and cream as its main colors, but because African violets are one of the sorority's symbols, many cards you'll find feature purple and gold. If you know that the recipient prefers a certain set of colors, get a card in those colors. She likely won't be upset if you get her a card with different colors (e.g., crimson instead of purple), but it's going to be much nicer for her to receive cards that feature colors and symbols she really loves. And speaking of symbols, if you know that she's into history, look for a card that references historical milestones in the history of the sorority. Maybe she prefers pictures of Lady Fortitude; in that case, get her a card with that symbol.

Someone who pledges and gets accepted to Delta Sigma Theta is an exceptional person. Participate in sorority spirit with cards that use the sorority's colors and symbols. For more information, look online for a supplier of Delta Sigma Theta congratulation cards.

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